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Command Reference


K3ai follow a super simple logic: K3AI [COMMAND] [ACTION] [OPTIONS].Click on the arrow to discover its options.


Up is an [COMMAND]. It is used to configure OR update K3ai. Click on the arrow to discover its options.
--quiet [-q]
Quiet command is what you use to operate k3ai without our fancy loaders and messages.It's ideal for scripting.


Down is an [COMMAND]. It is used to remove completly K3ai from the local computer. Click on the arrow to discover its options.
--quiet [-q]
Quiet command is what you use to operate k3ai without our fancy loaders and messages.It's ideal for scripting.


Cluster is an [COMMAND]. It is used to call the action relative to the infrastructure. Click on the arrow to discover its options.

--deploy [-d]

Deploy is an [ACTION]. It is what you use to operate k3ai clusters.It allow you to deploy a cluster of a certain type and with a logic name.

--type [-t] [TYPE OF CLUSTER]

Type is a first level [OPTION]. It is the type of cluster you want to deploy (i.e.: k3s)
Name is a second level [OPTION]. It is used to provide cluster logic name for later operations. Not all cluster type allow to name instances.
--quiet [-q]
Quiet command is what you use to operate k3ai without our fancy loaders and messages.It's ideal for scripting.

--list [-l]

List is an [ACTION]. It is user to either list the available cluster types OR list the deployed clusters.
--all [-a]
All is a first level [OPTION]. It is used to list all available cluster type deployable through k3ai.
--deployed [-d]
Deployed is a first level [OPTION]. It is used to list all deployed cluster through k3ai.
Remove is an [ACTION]. It is used to remove a specific cluster, identified by the logical name.
--name [-n]
Name is a first level [OPTION]. It is used to target the cluster that need to be removed, through its logical name.
--quiet [-q]
Quiet command is what you use to operate k3ai without our fancy loaders and messages.It's ideal for scripting.


Plugin is an [COMMAND]. It is used to call the actions relative to the AI tools. Click on the arrow to discover its options.

--deploy [-d]

Deploy is an [ACTION]. It is what you use to operate k3ai clusters.It allow you to deploy a cluster of a certain type and with a logic name.

--name [-n] [NAME OF PLUGIN]

Name is a first level [OPTION]. It is the name of the plugin you want to deploy (i.e.: mlflow)
--target [-t] [LOGIC NAME OF CLUSTER]
Target is a second level [OPTION]. It is used to provide cluster logic name where to install the plugin.
--quiet [-q]
Quiet command is what you use to operate k3ai without our fancy loaders and messages.It's ideal for scripting.